Sunday, April 22, 2012

"The Comedian"

"The spotlight flickers but it is still there.
Fake pumpkin faces strayed a gaze less stare.
Corrupted with a thought not so rare.
What is true and what is truly fare?
Here is my answer, to follow, do you dare.

The spotlight flickers but there is still time.
Everything can be fixed with a nuclear bomb and a nice rhyme.
What separates bandits and queens is a very thin line.
We are an image of indifference, greed and pride.
We all want to be kings but we are sheeps surfing on high tides.
Having such an ordinary and a mundane thought is a crime.
I know its all a bad joke but please flash me a smile.
The spotlight glimmers and I am sorry there will be no absolution.
Now now don’t be sad, I welcome you to this graveyard of ambition.
With your shadow in the gutter, dance clown this is an audition.
Thy kingdom come are you worthy for admission?
I say ignore this aimless charade and violate the queen in detention.

The spotlight fades and the death of romance.
The void spiraling in a vortex and left me in a trance.
There is no answer and there is no difference.
Hats and ties but we all are wearing striped underpants.
Dying poets in an insecured dogma thriving through violence.
Kids with guns and reluctant slaves, the rebel anthem ends.
Get more fake plastic implants, to live do you need one more chance?
The spotlight hugs the night and is gone, sorry no more orgasms.
This is what you get so clap, you get plain old simple silence."

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